Yearly Reports

Performance Highlight Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20
1. Operation Highlight
1 Number of Branch Office  2  2  4  4  4
2 Number of Operating Provinces  18  16  5  5  5
3 Number of Operating Districts  80  57  28  31  30
4 Number of Operating Communes  196  137  112  110  105
5 Number of Operating Villages  355  325  327 321 286
6 Active Clients  1,666  1,130  1,375 1,345 1,043
7 Total Loan Outstanding  2,509,186  2,983,839  3,987,735  4,181,807  4,227,463
8 % PAR Amount Total ( ≥30 days )  5.82%  8.23%  2.01% 2.06% 1.18%
9 % Loan Amount ( Riels)  3.91%  1.10%  4.36% 6.74% 15.17%
 2. Human Resource Highlight
1 Total Staff  37  40  66 62 54
2 Total Head Office Staff  5  8  9 11 10
3 Total Woman Staff  6  12  21 18 18
4 Total Credit Officer  18  17  28 18 18
 3. Finance Highlight
1 Total Assets  3,783,920  3,845,788  4,552,744 4,629,930
2 Total Liabilities  561,737  558,762  1,218,402 1,195,510
3 Total Equity  3,222,183  3,287,026 3,334,342 3,434,420
4 Profit & Loss ( Year to Date)  204,354  118,182 101,768 100,078